
Дистанційне навчання

06.04.2021  Група Ф-11



Read new words and make five sentences

a bonfire – багаття          

Summer Solstice – літнє сонцестояння

a costume - костюм        

a vigil – безсоння

a ghost – привид             

a revival – відродження 

a lantern – ліхтар           

a feast – банкет

a mask – маска                

a fair ярмарок

a top hat – циліндр         

annual – щорічний

a witch –відьма                

narrow вузький  


Read the text. Answer the questions

1. What summer British festivals do you know?

2. What is the name of the summer festival in Wales?

3. When did the festival start to revive?

4. What is the name of saint in Scotland who is the patron of the festival?

5. Where do people light bonfires on the hilltops on 22 June?


                                        Summer festivals

         Every year people build bonfires on hilltops all over Cornwall in the south-west of England. These fires are a celebration of summer and they are lit on the night after the Summer Solstice (on 22 June). The ceremony isn’t performed in English; it is performed in old Cornish, or old Celtic language

         Midsummer festivals are celebrated throughout Scotland, notably in the Scottish Borders where Peebles holds its Beltane Week. The Eve of St. John has special magical significance and was used by Sir Walter Scott as the title, and theme, for a pseudo–ballad poem. He invented a legend in which the lady of Smailholm Tower, near Kelso, keeps vigil by the midnight fires three nights in a row (see above) and is visited by her lover; but when her husband returns from battle, she learns he slew that lover on the first night, and she has been entertained by a very physical ghost.

In Wales it is called Gŵyl Ifan, or Gŵyl Ifan Ganol Haf (St John's of Midsummer) to distinguish it from Gŵyl Ifan Ganol Gaeaf (St John's of Midwinter, the feast of John the Evangelist). Great agricultural fairs used to be held at this time, along with merriment and dancing. A bonfire was also kept this night. With the advent of non-conformist beliefs on the Welsh socio-political culture, this (among so many other similar festivals) suffered greatly, and its observance finally died out in south-east Wales by the end of the 19th century. However, since 1977, a folk-dance revival started in Cardiff, and is held now annually on this feast day.



Spring festivals

Read the text. Answer the questions

1.       What is the oldest spring festival in London?

2.       Where does it take place?

3.       What do people wear on this day?


The Helston “Furry (Floral ) Dance” is one of the oldest festivals in England. It takes place in Helston, an old Cornish town. It celebrates the coming of spring. The “dance” is a procession through the narrow streets of the town. The men wear top hats and suits, the women wear their best dresses and children are dressed in white. The streets are decorated with flowers. People follow an old route through the town and even pass through people’s houses, shops and gardens!


London May Queen Festival

Read the text. Answer the questions

1.     When did the May Queen Festival celebrate first time?

2.     How many people usually come to this festival?

3.     Do the children take part in the Fectival?


         London May Queen Festival has been held since 1880. It is celebrated on the 30th of May every year. Visitors from many parts of the world gather in Kent to witness the Crowning of London’s May Queen. Over a thousand children take part. Forty May Queens from different parts of the country are present. Their dresses are beautifully made. The actual crowning takes place at 3 p.m.


Winter festivals

Read the text. Answer the questions

1.     When did people start celebrating Halloween?

2.     What did the people believe to?

3.     Who brought this custom to the USA?


The celebration of Halloween on 31 October was begun by the Celts over 2000 years ago. Their festival of the dead marked the beginning of winter. People believed that ghosts and witches came out on that night. These beliefs were not encouraged by the church, but the festival wasn’t abandoned. The Irish lit lanterns and candles to keep the ghosts away and wore costumes and masks to frighten them. People travelled from village to village and asked for food. They believed that any village that didn’t give food would have bad luck. These customs were brought to the USA in the 19th century by Irish immigrants. Today in the USA and the UK, children wear costumes and go from door to door saying “Trick or treat!” and they are given sweets to take home.



1.       Read tongue twisters as quickly as possible.

-                   If two witches would watch two watches, which witch would watch which watch?

-              Several spooky slimy spiders spun sulking by the sea.

-                   Professional Pumpkin pickers are prone to pick the plumpest  pumpkins.

-                   If big black bats could blow bubbles, how big of bubbles would big black bats blow?

2.                Use the clues to write the questions

Example : What food is eaten on Christmas Day in England?

1.                what food / eat / on Christmas Day/ in England?

2.                when / Christmas presents/ give in your country?

3.                how / houses decorate/ for Easter/ in your country?

4.                where/ Halloween? Celebrate?

5.                what / give /to children at Halloween?

6.                what food/ eat/ during Easter/ in your country?

3.                Now answer the questions.

4.                Quiz. Use the words below to write questions in the Passive. Add some of your own questions.

1.                Where / 4 July / celebrate?

2.                Where / goulash / eat?

3.                When / Boxing Day /celebrate?

4.                Who / telephone / invent by?

5.                Who / Romeo and Juliet / write by?

6.                Where / BMW cars / make?

5.                Work in groups. Ask and answer your quiz questions.



06.04. 2021 Група Д-21

ТЕМА Заняття у дитячому  садочку в Англії

1. Watch the video, write new word combinations,  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbuXL-K56Ks

2. Make 7 own sentences use these word combination.

A huge open space garden,


use combination of traditional and contemporary methods of teaching,

learning through play,

 develop children’s literacy and numeracy skills,

 online assessment software,

offer a range of activities,

to introduce new languages,

take children to a variety of each term,

visit museums,

 have theatre trips

3. Watch the video. Answer the questions

1.      When did this kindergarten start to work?

2.      Where is it situated?

3.      What is the age of the children in kindergarten?

4.      What teaching methods are teachers used?

5.      How many teachers work in the kindergarten?

6.      What outer activities are introduced there?

7.      Where do the children usually spend their outdoor time?

4. Read 6 examples of educational activities, write which do you like most. Why? Explain why.

Educational Activities for Kids

Design Challenge: Making a Boat

\In this activity, your child will be tasked to create a boat that can successfully float 25 pennies. They can be creative with how they make their boat and can use any household items. We have given instructions which you can use to guide your child through the design thinking process. We have also given step-by-step instructions for making a boat in case your child is stuck and needs some inspiration.

Design Your Own Planet

Imagination is a spark needed to make the best inventions or art. In this activity, Design Your Own Planet, learners will imagine a new planet in the solar system. What will it look like? What are the inhabitants like? Children can let their imaginations run wild and include as much scientific thinking as they desire with this design challenge. While you are leading your child through the activity, allow them to work independently. Geared toward children from preschool through second grade, this fun activity will intertwine arts with science, and get your child’s creative juices flowing.

Create an Egg Carton Penguin

Egg cartons are known to have abundant uses. As you get into the cold winter months, discuss penguins with your child by creating these adorable egg carton penguins!


Design Challenge: Letters of the Alphabet

Reinforce your child's understanding of the alphabet by helping them construct all of the letters using pipe cleaners. In this design challenge, children channel their inner typographer by constructing their own uppercase or lowercase letters entirely from pipe cleaners. Once they have completed all of the letters, ask them to place them in order from A to Z and recite them! This completed design challenge also displays beautifully.

Five-Finger Relaxation

Tracing is a great technique for clearing your mind and relaxing. Help your child learn how to calm themselves down and clear their minds by tracing their hands.

 Make a Cereal Box House

Recycle your cereal boxes and engage your child's creativity with this fun arts and crafts project.

The end product is a cool house that your child can decorate and play with anytime they want.


 05.04. 2021 Group F-21


1 Read the words choose 5 words and make sentences with the them

An artist,

 to invent,

 fascinated by,


to create,

solar powered,

 hand-held lamp,

 an interactive art exhibition,

 to photograph light in motion,

a participant.

2 Read the text and answer the questions.

What is the idea behind Eliasson’s creation of the “Little Sun”?

What is the purpose of the interactive art exhibition at the Tate Modern gallery?

How do the participants in the installation make their own light art?

Sunlight Graffiti

Artist Olafur Eliasson invented the public to draw with light. It sounds impossible, doesn’t it? But with the help of a little sun, became a reality…

Ever since his childhood Olafur Eliasson has been fascinated by light. He liked the idea of a light that you could hold in your hand, so he went out and created one. The result was a solar powered hand-held lamp called “Little Sun”. Eliasson hopes his invention will help the people around the world who lived without electricity. Using his artistic talents, Eliasson set out to spread the word about his lamp and the issue of people living without electricity through an interactive art exhibition at the Tate Modern gallery in London. Visitors to the gallery were invited to use the lamp to make their own light art creations, By standing in front of a camera which was connected to a computer programme that could photograph light in motion, the participants used the Little Sun lamps in their hands to make drawings just like graffiti, but drawn with sunlight.

3 Write sentences choose the right preposition.

1 The new exhibition pulled up/in crowds to the art gallery.

2 Her favourite sport magazine comes out/in every week.

3 He wants to sigh in/up for painting classes,

4 The new book by /with writer Mary Hooper is a great read.

5 In the story, the boys must escape from/of the city.

4 Collect information about another unusual type of art. Explain what materials are used and how it is made.

30.03. 2021  Group F-11 


Read new words. Choose five words and write sentences

the chimes – куранти

a crowd – натовп

New Years Eve – канун Нового року

to send cards – посилати листівки

to give presents – давати подарунки

to make “New Year resolutions” – робити новорічні обіцянки

a time for merrymaking – час відпочивати

the Flamebeaux( фр.)  procession – процесія з смолоскипами

a fancy dress – карнавальний костюм

to throw the flamebeaux  – кидати смолоскипи

a blaze – полум’я

custom of First-Footing – традиція першого гостя

brass and silver  – мідь та срібло

to glitter – виблискувати

a tangerine – мандарин

a toffee – іриска


Read the text and find Present Simple Passive constructions.

New Year in England

In England the New Year is not as widely observed as Christmas. Some people ignore it. Many others do celebrate the New Year. The most common type of celebration is a New Year Party. It begins at 8 pm and goes on until morning. There is a buffet supper of cold meat, pies, sandwiches, cakes and biscuits. At midnight everyone can hear the chimes of Big Ben and drink a toast to the New Year. Then the party goes on.

Another way of celebrating is to go to a New Year’s dance. Dance balls are decorated and there are several bands playing merry music.

The most famous celebration is in London round the statue in Piccadilly Circus where the crowds welcome the New Year. In Trafalgar Square someone usually falls into the fountain.

Some people watch others celebrating on television. There are no traditional English festivities, and television producers show Scottish ones. New Year cards are sent and presents are given and “New Year’s  resolutions” are made on this day.

Answer the questions

1.     Why do some people ignore New Year?

2.     What is the most common type of celebrating of New Year?

3.     Where do most of people go in London?

4.     What presents are usually given on New Year?


New Year in Scotland

New Year’s Eve in Scotland is called Hogmanay. It is time for merrymaking and giving of presents. There is the Flamebeaux procession of town folk in fancy dress. They throw the flamebeaux  /torches/ into a  pile and dance around the blaze.

In Scotland the old custom of First-Footingis still observed. The first person to enter a  house on New Year’s Day should be a dark-haired  or fair-haired  man. He should bring a piece of coal, a fish and a piece of bread.

Brass and silver must be glittering and fresh linen must be put on the beds. All work must be finished, all bills must be paid and the letters written. There must be plum pudding, apples and lemons, tangerines and toffee. The traditional gathering place is the Mercat Cross. Towards midnight crowd awaits “the Chapplin o’ the Twal” – the striking of 12 o’clock.

Answer the questions

1.     How New Year is called in Scotland?

2.     What special customs do the Scottish people have?

3.     What do the Scottish people usually wear on New Year’s Day?



1.                Choose the words from the box to complete the sentences.

/ First-Footing;torches; party; festivities; Piccadilly; procession; television; Hogmanay; dance /

1.                The most common type of celebration of a New Year is a New Year …… . .

2.                Another way of celebrating is to go to a New Year’s ……… . .

3.                The most famous celebration is in London round the statue in …….. Circus.

4.                Some people watch others celebrating New Year on……… . .

5.                There are no traditional English New Year …… , only Scottish ones.

6.                New Year’s Eve in Scotland is called  ………… .  .

7.                There is the Flamebeaux  ………… of town folk in fancy dress.

8.                They throw flamebeaux/ ………. / into a pile and dance around the blaze.

9.                In Scotland the old custom of  …………  is still observed.


2.                Listen and read the poem.

3.                Draw the illustration to the poem.

Auld Lang Syne

Auld Lang Syne in Scottish means “days of long ago” (old good time). This song is sung in memory of old friends.In London, on the New Year’s Eve people link hands with crossed arms and as clocks strike the hour, everybody sings this famous song.

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,

And never brought to mind?

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,

And auld lang syne ?


For auld langsyne, my dear,

For auld langsyne,

We’ll take a cup of kindness yet,

For auld lang syne,


We twa have paddle in the burn,

From morning sun till dine;

But seas between us broad have roared

Since auld lang syne.


And here’s a hand, my trusty friend,

And gie’s a hand of thine.

We’ll take a right good williewaught,

For auld lang syne.


4.     Find poems about New Year or Christmas in the Internet.     

Дитяча література Група ВШ -41 ( 22.03.2021)

Тема: Сучасна англійська дитяча література.

Найкращі англомовні письменники

 Лоїс Ловрі (Lois Lowry), яку видання поставило на перше місце у зв’язку з її 75-річчям, — одна з п’яти письменників, які двічі були удостоєні Ньюберської медалі (Newbery Medal) — уперше, 1990-го, за книжку «Порахуй зорі» (Number the Stars), вдруге – за «Того, хто дає» (The Giver) у 1993 році. Ловрі не боїться порушувати складні теми: у її книжках ідеться про Голокост, похмуре майбутнє, періодичні хвороби тощо.

Лоїс Ловрі

Е. Л. Коніґсбурґ (E.L. Konigsburg) також двічі ставала лауреаткою Ньюберської медалі, а до того, була удостоєна почесної відзнаки Newbery Honor – за перші дві книжки, що їх вона написала: «З переплутаних папок Містера Безіла Е. Франквейлера» та «Дженніфер, Геката, Макбет, Вільям Мак-Кінлі і я, Елізабет». У своїх творах письменниця описує «внутрішнє» життя дітей, цікавиться дітьми як особистостями.

Е. Л. Коніґсбурґ

Автор відомих на весь світ «Хронік Нарнії» Клайв Льюїс (C.S. Lewis). Його книжки було продано по всьому світі сукупним накладом понад 100 млн. примірників, перекладено на 47 мов.

Клайв Льюїс

Філіпа Пуллмана (Philip Pullman) вважають свого роду «анти-Льюїсом», а його найвідоміший твір «Його темні матерії» (His Dark Materials) – мовби анти-«Хроніки Нарнії». Тим не менше, журі престижної премії імені Астрід Ліндґрен присудило йому найвищу нагороду у 2005 році.

Філіп Пуллман

Джоан Роулінґ (J.K. Rowling) не потребує окремого представлення. До речі, нещодавно письменниця заявила, що наступна її книжка буде анти-«Гаррі Поттером». За словами Роулінґ, вона пише «дорослу» книгу.

Джоан Роулінґ

Маделін Л’Енґле (Madeleine L’Engle) зі своєю «Складкою часу» (A Wrinkle in Time) – у першій десятці рейтингу «Топ-100 дитячих книжок усіх часів» за версією американського журналу Parent & Child.

Маделін Л’Енґле

Кетрін Патерсон (Katherine Paterson) одержала Медаль Ньюбері за свій уже класичний роман «Міст у Терабітію» (Bridge to Terabithia ). Як пише Flavorwire, це одна з найбільш викличних книжок 1990-х рр, складна, але життєво необхідна частина сучасного канону дитячої літератури. У 2006 р. одержала премію імені Астрід Лінґрен.

Кетрін Патерсон

Ллойд Александер (Lloyd Alexander) став відомим у світі завдяки серії книжок «Хроніки Прайдейн» (The Chronicles of Prydain), які ґрунтуються на давній валлійській міфології. Лауреат Ньюберської Медалі 1969 року.

Ллойд Александер

Нарешті, замикає десятку найкращих англомовних дитячих письменників Джуді Блам (Judy Blume), авторка славнозвісної книжки «Ти там, Боже? Це я, Марґарет» (Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret).










Особливості сучасної англійської дитячої літератури

·   твори  більш орієнтовані на дітей;

·   в книжках непрості ілюстрації, майстерно виконані  й оригінальні, ілюстровані дитячі книжки стають прекрасними творами мистецтва;

·   різножанровість літератури;

·   письменники пишуть у своїх книжках про такі речі, які вважалися сумнівними і невдалими для опису в дитячих книжках (про знедолених дітей (Кетрін Патерсон «Прекрасна Гіллі Хопкінс»), показують темну сторону життя (Жаклін Уілсон «Щоденник Трейсі Бікер», «Дівчина-знахідка», «Розмальована мама», Дэниел Хэндлер «33 несчастья» ).);

·   твори написані саме з тим безпосереднім почуттям гумору, яке притаманне дітям (Енді Стентон «Ви поганець, пане Гам!»,).

             "…— Сьогодні дитячі книжки відчутно більш орієнтовані на дітей, ніж це було у 50-ті та 60-ті роки.» Стався певного роду вибух якісної різножанрової літератури для дітей усіх вікових категорій. І діти від цього лише у виграші. Вибір дитячих книжок тепер у рази ширший і значно захопливіший, ніж у роки мого дитинства. Багато з популярних у 50-х роках книжок були лише версіями класики – адаптовані для дітей грецькі міфи, спрощені варіанти «Острова скарбів» Стівенсона, інші речі такого типу. А тепер письменники справді адресують свої твори саме дітям, причому дітям тієї вікової категорії, для якої вони пишуть. ..." 

                             Джеремі Стронг


У сучасній англійській дитячій літературі особливе місце займає фентезі.


Фе́нтезі (англ. fantasy — фантазія) — жанр літератури, що з'явився в Англії у середині XX століття, який близький до фантастики, але в більш вільній, «казковій» манері використовує мотиви далеких переміщень у просторі й часі, інопланетних світів, штучних організмів.

Прикладами таких творів є Дж. К. Роулінг «Га́ррі Поттер»; Діана Уінн Джонс «Ходячий замок» , «Темный Властелин Деркхольма»)





Основні герої сучасних англійських 

дитячих творів

- реальні діти (Трістран Терне - Нил Дэвид Джон Ге́йман «Зоряний пил», Софі - Діана Уінн Джонс «Ходя́чий за́мок», Хелен – Энн Файн «Пучеглазый»);


- дорослі люди (пан Гам - Енді Стентона «Ви поганець, пане Гам!»);


діти з тяжкою долею життя (Деніел Хендлер «33 нещастя» - троє осиротілих дітей, Ельза  - Жаклін Уілсон «Зірка з ліжка та сніданку»);


- вигадані герої (Гаррі Поттер - Дж. К. Роулинг «Га́рри Поттер», Десперо  - мишеня з великими вухами - Кейт ДіКамілло «Пригоди мишеняти Десперо»)


- вигадані істоти (Груффало - Джулія Дональдсон «Груффало: Казка у віршах).

Гру́ффало – відомий та улюблений персонаж англійської дитячої літератури, великий і страшний лісовий звір. «У книзі Джулії Дональдсон «Груффало» Мишеня, намагаючись врятуватися від Лисиці, Сови і Змії, вигадує в розмовах з ними зовнішній вигляд страшного чудовиська на ім'я Груффало, з яким нібито дружить саме Мишеня. Коли потім він несподівано зустрічає в лісі реального Груффало, той повністю відповідає його опису.»

Не менш відомими та улюбленими  є герої книжки  Енді Стентона «Ви поганець, пане Гам!», песик-здоровесик Джейк та пан Гам. Пан Гам – злючий стариган. Одного дня той негідник надумав отруїти улюбленця дітей, песика-здоровесика Джейка, що мав таку добру й лагідну вдачу.

Кожна повість Джаклін Вілсон – це розповідь від імені якоїсь дівчинки. Ельза - героїня повісті «Зірка з ліжка та сніданку». Ельза мріє стати відомою комедіанткою і постійно вигадує кумедні й не дуже жарти... Та Ельза таки змогла стати відомою. 





Жанри сучасної англійськрї дитячої літератури



б)прозові казки


в)казки у віршах




д)комікси (Дэвид Джон Ге́йман, серія коміксів                      «Піщана людина»)

ж)повісті та оповідання






Джулия Дональдсон

Джулія Дональдсон

Повне ім'я:

Джулия Дональдсон

Дата народження:

16 вересня 1948 р.


Джулія Дональдсон - сучасна англійська письменниця, нагороджена орденом Британської імперії за літературні заслуги, один з найпопулярніших авторів книг для дітей в світі. Їй належить безліч цікавих історій для самих маленьких, проілюстрованих німецьким художником Акселем Шеффлером. Купити книги Джулії Дональдсон рекомендуємо батькам, які хочуть, щоб їх дитина з раннього віку прилучалася до якісної дитячої літератури. Хоча віршовані казки письменниці розраховані на малюків 1,5-6 років, в усіх книгах Джулії Дональдсон присутній глибокий моральний підтекст, а значить, ці роботи мають розвивати потенціал і змушують міркувати, перечитуючи їх знову і знову.

Дочурка Груффало

Свое семейство Груффало предупреждал не раз:

- В соседний лес нам ходу нет, опасен он для нас.

- Опасен? Почему? - Там, в чаще непроглядной,

Живет Мышонок, страшный зверь, лихой и беспощадный.

Однажды на тропе лесной я повстречался с ним –

И чудом, просто чудом остался невредим!

Ой, папа, расскажи! Какой он, зверь опасный?

Огромный-преогромный? Ужасный-преужасный?

 Давненько это было… Вздохнул в ответ отец,

Потом в затылке почесал и молвил наконец:

- Он как медведь могуч и шерстью весь зарос,

Змеится по земле его длиннющий хвост,

Оранжевым огнем горят его глазищи

И ходят ходуном железные усищи!

…Храпит папаша Груффало, повсюду тишина,

И лишь дочурке Груффало сегодня не до сна.

Ей приключений хочется, а тут сиди в пещере!

И вот, на цыпочки привстав, она крадется к двери

Снаружи ветер воет и снег летит с небес,

Малютка-груффаленок спешит в запретный лес.

-Ага! Угу! Вижу след на снегу:

Петляет, змеится, - что там за зверь таится?

Вон из-под бревен чей-то хвост чешуйчатый торчит:

Не грозный ли Мышонок сидит там и молчит?

Ах, вот он, зверь лесной! Он как-то странно тонок,

И шерсти нет, и не усов… - Простите, вы – Мышоно Нет, крош-ш-шка, я не он, он где-то на горе:

Кажись, шашлык из Груффало готовит на костре.

…Гудят зловещие ветра, кружится снег летящий,

Упрямый груффаленок бредет лесною чащей.

-Ага! Угу! Вижу след на снегу:

На белизне пушистой – чей это след когтистый?

А вон огромные глаза огнем горят впотьмах!

Не злобный ли Мышонок там прячется в ветвях?

Но хвост не тот, и нет усов… Вы не Мышонок, значит?

Хо-хо, конечно нет! Он где-то на реке:

Наверно, суп из Груффало готовит в котелк е.

Все громче воет ветер злой, все холодней сугробы,

Дрожащий груффаленок шагает вглубь чащобы.

-Ага! Угу! Следы на снегу:

Цепочкою двойною – и в норку под сосною.

А из норы торчат усы, колючие на вид –

Не хитрый ли Мышонок в засаде там сидит?

-Ах, вот кто тут живет! Шерсть огненного цвета

Зато в глазах – ни огонька. Нет, не Мышонок это!

-Ха-ха, конечно, нет! Он дома в этот час:

Небось, котлет из Груффало нажарил про запас…

На пень дочурка Груффало уселась без опаски:

- Мышонок – это выдумки! Мышонок – это сказки!

Я обошла весь лес – и вдоль, и поперек –

И все дурачили меня… Эй, что там за зверек?

Мышонок, только маленький! Вот ты-то мне и нужен:

Тебя в снегу лишь обвалять – и выйдет легкий ужи Постой, - сказал мышонок, - успеешь закусить.

Хочу я друга одного на ужин пригласить.

Он грозен и могуч – сейчас увидишь сам:

Я на орешину взберусь и знак ему подам.

Отважный груффаленок зажмурился во мраке:

Так это все не выдумки? Так это все не враки?А маленький мышонок успел на ветку влезть

И лапкой машет, и кричит: «Сейчас он будет здесь!»

И тут луна взошла негаданно-нежданно,

И тень громадная легла на снежную поляну.

Ой, что это за зверь? Он шерстью весь зарос,

Торчат ужасные усы, змеится длинный хвост…

А уши – ну и страх! – слону пришлись бы впору,

А на плече его орех величиною с гору.

 Да это сам Мышонок! Спасите! Караул!...

Мышонок спрыгнул с дерева и лапкой вслед махнул.

- Ага… Угу… Следы на снегу:

Здесь пробегало груффало, оно порядком струффало!


Спешит дочурка Груффало домой в рассветной мгле.

Храпит папаша Груффало в уюте и тепле.

Как хорошо в пещере… Уснуть под звуки храпа…И ничего не страшно, когда под боком папа


Good afernoon dear students! 23.03.21 Group F-11


Read new words and make your own sentences.

public holiday – державне  свято

to observe/ celebrate – святкувати

a holly – гостролист ( падуб)

a gift – подарунок

a mistletoe – омела

to rush / hurry – поспішати

a turkey – індик

a pudding – пудинг

the  Spirit of Christmas – Дух Різдва



















Christmas Celebrations

Read the text. Answer the questions:

1.  What is your favourite holiday?

2. How many public holidays are there in Great Britain?

3. What food are eaten on Christmas Day?

4. When is the Boxing Day celebrated in Great Britain?

5. What do people usually do on Christmas Eve?


There are six public holidays in Great Britain. They are: Christmas Day, observed on December 25, Boxing Day, on December 26, Good Friday, observed before Easter Sunday, after a full moon on or after March 21th, Easter Monday, observed next day after Easter Sunday, Spring Bank Holiday on the last Monday of June or on first Monday of July, Late Summer Bank Holiday (days on which banks are closed) on the last Monday of August or on the first Monday in September. In Scotland, the New Year’s Day is also a public holiday. All the public holidays, except Christmas day and Boxing Day are movable that is they do not fall on the same day each year. Besides public holidays other festivals and traditions are observed.

Christmas Day is observed on December 25. On Christmas Eve everything is rush. Offices close at one o’clock, but the shops stay open late. London and big cities are decorated with coloured lights. The children are decorating the Christmas tree with balls and coloured lights. The house is decorated with holly and mistletoe under which the boys kiss the girls. The housewives are busy in the kitchen. The Christmas bird, usually a turkey, is being prepared. The pudding is cooked and the cake is iced. In Trafalgar Square stands a Christmas Tree. It is a gift from the people of Oslo for help during the war. The tree is over 15 feet high. It is brightly decorated.This sparkling tree seems to catch the Spirit of Christmas. 

Boxing Day is observed on December 26. It is a legal holiday in England, Wales, Northern Ireland, New Zealand, Australia and South Africa. Scotland observes Boxing Day on January 12. Christmas boxes  /tips/ are traditionally given to dustmen and a few other public servants.

This is the day when one visits friends. Tradition demands a visit to the pantomime to watch the story of Cinderella, Dick Whittington or whatever it may be. There are pantomimes on ice, with a well-known pop singers or pantomimes with a famous comedian.

In the country there are usually Boxing Day Meets for fox-hunting.


1.  Complete the table

Name of the holiday




Boxing Day


Good Friday




Spring Bank Holiday


Late Summer Bank Holiday



2.  Fill in the gaps, translate the sentences.

1.                There are ………… public holidays in Great Britain.

2.                Christmas Day is ………………. on December 25.

3.                On Christmas Eve everything is ………… .

4.                The house is decorated with  ……………..  and holly .

5.                In Trafalgar Square ………….  A Christmas Tree .

6.                ………………………. is observed on December 26.

7.                Christmas boxes /tips/ are traditionally given to public …………. .






3.  Project. Make a Christmas card.















Christmas cards are made up of the following sections:

-                   the greeting

-                   a personal message

-                   a chosen  holiday quote or message

-                    your signed name

Here are some examples:

Dear George!

Wish You a very Merry Christmas!

I’m so grateful to have a friend like you at Christmas and all year long. Christmas will always be as long as we stand heart to heart and hand in hand

Your friend Susan

-                   The gift of love. The gift of peace. The gift of happiness. May all these be yours at Christmas!

-                   May Santa Claus bring everything you wished for Merry Christmas!

-                   Having you as my friend makes me feel as if it is Christmas every day.

-                   For your Christmas time I wish you many blessings, much happiness and even more love.

-                   So grateful to have a friend like you at Christmas and all year long.


Selected Christmas Quotes for Cards

“At Christmas, all roads lead home.”~ Marjorie Holmes

“I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year.”

 ~ Charles Dickens

“Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.” ~ Norman Vincent Peal

“He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree.”

 ~ Roy L. Smit

“Christmas will always be as long as we stand heart to heart and hand in hand.” ~ Dr. Seuss




 23.03.21 Group D-21

1.Read the text.

The term "nursery" is often used to cover a wide range of group settings for early years childcare. There are differences between settings, in terms of the services they provide, but all nursery settings offer professional, registered childcare for children under 5.

Nursery schools, maintained nurseries and pre-schools tend to cater for children aged between 3 and 5, offering early education in the couple of years before they begin "big school". Many of these settings are purpose-built and are sometimes part of the larger school building.

Day nurseries tend to provide childcare for children from the ages of six weeks to 5 years. Opening hours vary but an average day nursery is likely to open between 7am and 8am to accommodate working parents and close between 6pm and 7pm. This means that nursery staff will often work shifts.

Nursery schools and day nurseries can be run by private businesses, local authorities, voluntary or community groups, schools, colleges or employers. Settings can range in size from the very small with just 15 or so children in the nursery to large, with up to 150 children in the setting.

In England, nurseries work within the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Framework. In Wales, nurseries work to CIW's requirements and the Foundation Phase curriculum.Playgroups and pre-schools offer care and education to children aged 2 to 5 years, with sessions lasting from two to four hours. These operate during term time, tend to be smaller settings and may have morning and afternoon sessions.

Nurseries tend to be organised around the ages of children, and will often be split into rooms for different aged children. Each room will have a lead staff member, and the staff team will tend to remain with the same children. The nursery management team must ensure that each room in the nursery has the right number of qualified staff, depending on the number of children. The ratios all nurseries must work to are outlined in the regulation frameworks.

Choose the title to the text

a)     Nurseries

b)    What is the nursery?

c)     Nursery schools



Complete the sentences.

1.     The term "nursery" is often used ….

2.      Nurseries and pre-schools tend to cater for …

3.     Day nurseries tend to provide ….

4.     Nursery schools and day nurseries can be ….

5.     Nurseries tend to be organised around ….

6.      Each room will have a …..

7.      The nursery management team must ….

Write out sentences with modal verbs ( must, can, may )


 Good afternoon! 22.03.21 Group F21 Topic: CULTURAL LIFE OF  UKRAINE  

1. Read the text.
    Culture is a product of human creativity. Thank to culture we could change not only the world, but our souls and behaviour. Culture includes people's memory. Each new generation inherited previous culture of its nation. Culture is a mechanism of transmission of social experience from one generation to another, from one epoch to the next one, from one country to another. Culture has no borders. High level of civilization is characterized by active cultural exchange. In each culture there are specific features and similar points, which we could find in all cultures.
    Ukraine has a long history and its cultural traditions went back to the ancient times. With the introduction of Christianity these customs were combined with religious practices.
    The Easter rituals, which combine  religious motifs with the celebration of spring.  Pysanky include Christian symbols, like the Cross, and plant and animal motifs – symbolic of fertility and long life.
Christmas rituals also combine Christian and pre-Christian elements, especially in the singing of Ukrainian Christmas carols.
Music has always been an essential part of Ukrainian folk culture. Ukrainians have songs for every occasion. Since the 16th century, songs often been accompanied by a lute-like instrument, called the bandura.
The outstanding musical figure of the 19th century was the composer Mykola Lysenko. He gave Ukrainian classical music its character.
Dancing has always been an element of Ukrainian culture. Ukrainian folk dancing dates back to the pre-Christian era. Ritual dancing slowly developed into folk dancing and became the most popular entertainment of the Ukrainian people. In 1890’s, native folk dance, hopak was incorporated in to Ukrainian operas and dramas.
Today Ukrainian folk dancing is popularized by numerous professional and amateur dance group in Ukraine and other countries. Many cities of the world have been visited by the State Dance Ensemble of Ukraine and other countries.
Folk handicraft arts in Ukraine are especially well developed. Pysanky, woodcarving, ceramics, embroidery and weaving have been preserved and developed. Ukrainians love to embroider clothing, pillowcases, tablecloths, curtains and altar cloths. The designs used, generally geometric or floral ones. Main colours are red, orange and black. Embroidery designs vary from region to region and even individual villages have their own patterns.
Church architecture is well-known aspect of Ukrainian art. It was highly developed not only in Kyiv but also in the remotest regions of Ukraine. The St. Sophia’s Cathedral of the 11th century was built in the Byzantine style. The churches of the 17-18 cc., the Golden age of Ukrainian art, were a combination of traditional Byzantine art and Western influence. This combination resulted in the unique style known as Cossack baroque.
The frescoes and mosaics in Ukraine are among the finest example of Byzantine art. Equally highly developed was the art of painting icons. Some of the finest  Kyivan icons, which were usually painted on wooden panels.
The painting of the Golden age of Ukrainian art is also combined traditional elements with Western influence. It continued and in the 19th century. Ukrainian artist usually had to work in St. Petersburg and were unable to develop their talent in Ukraine. The most famous painter of this school was Ilya Repin.

2. Choose the title to the text
a) Life in Ukraine.
b) Ukrainian traditions.
c) Cultural life in Ukraine.  

3. Complete the sentences.
1.     Thank to culture we could change ….
2.     Christmas rituals also combine Christian ….
3.     Ukrainians have songs for …
4.     Native folk dance, hopak was … 
5.     The Golden age of Ukrainian art, were a combination of ….
6.     Some of the finest  Kyivan icons, which ….

4. Match definitions with pictures
1) Ukrainian wedding ceremony
2) Ukrainian cuisine
3) Ukrainian painting
4) Ukrainian architecture


Good morning! 23.10 TEST F-41 

American Schools

The American system of school education differs from the system in some countries. There are state-supported public schools, private elementary schools, and private secondary schools. Public schools are free and private schools are fee-paying. Each individual state has its own system of public schools. Elementary education begins at the age of six with the first grade and continues up to the eighth grade. The elementary school is followed by four years of the secondary schools, or high schools as they are called. In some states the last two years of the elementary and the first years of the secondary school are combined into a junior high school. Besides giving general education, some high schools teach subjects useful to those who hope to find jobs in industry and agriculture. Some give preparatory education to those planning to enter colleges and universities.

1. Read the text 

2.Translate the text

3. Write 5 questions to the text

4 Write 10 sentences about Our college.(students, teachers, what do you like/ dislike in the college.)

Good morning! 23.10 TEST  T-41

 School Education in Great Britain

  1) In Great Britain children begin to go to school at the age of five. First they study at infant schools. In these schools they learn to draw with coloured pencils and paints. They also make figures out of plasticine and work with paper and glue. They play much because they are very young. Later they begin to learn letters and read, write and count.

  2) At the age of seven English schoolchildren go to junior schools. They do many subjects: English and Maths, History and Music, Natural History and Drawing, Handicrafts, French and Latin.

  3) They do not go to school as early as we do, but they stay there longer. The first lesson usually starts at 9 o’clock. There are 3 lessons with short breaks of 10 minutes between them and then an hour break for lunch. After lunch they have two more lessons which are over by half past three.

  4) If you have a look at an English pupil’s school record, you will see that the marks in it differ from the marks we have. Our schoolchildren get marks from 1 to 5 (12). At English school there are marks from 1 up to 10 and at some schools from 1 up to 100.

  5) Junior school ends at the age of 11 when pupils take the Eleven Plus examination and then secondary school begins. At the age of 16 schoolchildren take their exams. Only 45 per cent continue with fulltime education after 16. The rest go to work or join employment training schemes. 


1. Read the text 

2. Choose the paragraph and translate it.

3. Write 5 questions to the text.

4. Write 10 sentences  "My student's life"

Група ВШ-41  

Історія, культура країни мова якої вивчається

Модульний контроль №1

      Task 1  Complete the sentences

1. The UK is located between ....

2. It's separated from the continent by ...

3. UK consist of four parts: ......

4."The Queen reins but does not .... "

5. The UK is ...... monarchy.

6.  The UK has never had a written ......

7. The principle constitutional documents are ........(4 documents)

8. After the general elections the leader of the majority in the House of Commons becomes ....   

9. The Prime Minister forms  .......

10. London's most famous attractions are .... (3-5 places)

11. Liverpool is famous for ......

12. In 1952 Elizabeth became .......

13. The royal prerogative are ....., ...,.  ....., ...... .

14. Hobby number one of the Queen is ....

  Make the questions to the sentences.

1. The climate of UK is mild and changeable. 

2. The Bill of Rights was written in 1689.

3. George VI died in 1952 in London.

4. Elizabeth II is a very popular monarch.

5.  Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip have four children.

6. The Royal collection of stamps began in 1856.

Група Д21 

"How to make a film"

  Most films are made these days by big film studios like Fox or Warner Brothers. First, a story is chosen and a producer plans the budget. A director is chosen and  a scriptwriter is asked to write a script. It is months sometimes years before the actors are chosen. The main actors are usually chosen by the director and of course it's depends on a budget. A small film might have the budget of only five million dollars but some big Hollywood movies have budget 150 to 200million dollars. This is partly paid the top stars who can earn from 20 to 30 million dollars the movie and often million dollars are spent on special effects.

  Before filming starts every every single scene is planned and designed in details. Filming itself generally takes about three months. Only about three minutes of the final film are made each day. Some scenes are not made on location, because it is very expensive. So if possible the scenes are made in the studio.

By the end there are hundreds of meetings with the film editor when the editor adds the story. Sometimes days or even weeks of filming make only a few minutes of film. the editor it takes for months but the studio is still not happy and scenes are cut or changed even at this point.

  The music isn't added to the film until the end. Finally, the film is printed and copies are sent to the cinemas around the world. At this point millions dollars are spent on publicity sometimes almost half of the total budget.

03.11 ВШ 41 The History of Development of English language

The Roman Conquest of Britain

  Two thousand years ago the Celts were living in tribes. The Romans invaded Britain. In 55 B.C. a Roman army of 10 000 men crossed the Channel.  Ceasar was at the head of the army. The Celts fought bravely, but they were not strong.

  Julius Ceasar came to Britain twice in the course of two years, he was not be able to conquer it. In the 1st century A.D. the Romans conquered Britain. They began to build towns and villages. The noble Celts adopted the mode of life of their conquerors. They lived in rich houses and dressed as the Romans. In the 3rd – 4th centuries the power of the Roman Empire weakened. In the 5th century the Roman legions were recalled from Britain.

The Anglo-Saxon Invasion

  After the Roman legions left Britain the Celts remained independent but not for long. From the middle of the 5th century they had to defend the country against the attacks of Germanic tribes from the continent. The Jutes and then the Saxons , Angles began to migrate to Britain. The new conquerors brought changes. They dislike towns preferring living to live in small villages. They destroyed the Roman towns and villas. The roads were broken. They called the Celts “welsh” which mean “foreigners” as they did not understand the Celtic language. All villages were engaged in cultivating the land. They also continued cattle-breeding, hunting and fishing.

  By the beginning of the 9th century changes had come in the Anglo-Saxon society. Rich landowners were given great power over the peasants. The king’s warriors and officials ruled the country.

Danish raids on England

  At the end of the 8th century another branch of Germanic people began to attack Britain – the Danes. They still lived in tribes. They were well armed. In 793 the Danes carried their first raids on Britain. Their raids were successful because England had neither a regular army nor a fleet in the North Sea to meet them. They were not very much different from the Anglo-Saxons among whom they lived because they were also of Germanic origin.

  The Danes influenced the development of the country greatly. They were good sailors and traders. They were skillful ship-builders.

  At the beginning of the11th century England was conquered by the Danes once more. The Danish king Canute (1017 – 1035) became king of Denmark, Norway and England. He made England the centre of his power. After the death of Canute the Anglo-Saxon king came to the throne (1042) and the line of Danish kings came to the end.

The Norman Invasion

  Many changes came about in the life of the Danes after the 9th century. By the 11th century the Danes had finally settled down as subjects of the English kings. As time went on they gradually mixed with the Anglo-Saxons among whom they lived. But the Normans who had settled down in France lived among the French people, with different manners, customs and language. Normans became the new conquerors of England.

  In 1066 William, the Duke of Normandy, began to gather an army to invade Britain. He wanted the English throne. The Normans were well trained, used skillful combination of heavy-armoured cavalry and archers.

  It took several years for William to subdue the whole of England. Thus the Norman Duke became the king of England – William I, or William the Conqueror. He ruled England for 21 years (1066-1087). Normans made up the new aristocracy and Anglo-Saxon people became their servants. The aristocracy spoke Norman-French while Anglo-Saxon spoke English. Norman-French became the official language of the state. In a few generations English became the language of educated classes and the official language of the state. As a result of the Conquest, the English language changed greatly under the influence of the French language.    


Modern English

1.    What is the British Commonwealth?

2.    What English-speaking countries do you know?


3.    What is official and national language of the United Kingdom?


4.    How many people speak Welsh? Where can Welsh language  be used?


5.    Do they speak French in England nowadays?




1.    The Iberians brought their metal-working skills and first real civilization to Britain. (3rd cent. B.C.)

2.    The Celtic invasion. They introduced their tribal organization and early form of agriculture.(in Cornwall, Wales, Ireland Celtic language still exists in different forms)

3.    The Roman Invasion. Left three important things: roads, the sites of important cities, the seeds of Christianity. The Latin way of life –  villas, arts, language and political organization. “Learning and civilization”

4.    The Danes Invasion. The Vikings first raided England to plunder (грабувати) it, then in the days of Alfred of Wessex they began “to win wide lands to plough (орати) and to rule”.

5.    Under the Danish rule, King Canute managed to unite the Anglo-Saxons with Danes.

6.     Norman Conquest. William of Normandy introduced the feudal system, rewarding his French speaking followers with lands, and French remained the language of upper classes and administration until the 14th century. Gradually the Normans mixed with the Anglo-Saxons and the Danes and from this mixture the English nation finally emerged. With the Normans the era of invasions closed.   




  a tribe – племя

to invade –вторгнутися

to conquer –підкорити

to adopt – прийняти

a peasant –селянин

a warrior –воїн

heavy-armoured  cavalry –важкоброньована кіннота

to subdue –підкорити

Група Д-21 Тема: Система освіти в Україні. 12.01

1.     Read the text and write the translation.

Education in Ukraine

 Education plays a very important role in our life. It may develop our abilities and help to choose the right profession in life. It also influences the formation of the personality. We often remember our teachers.

The system of education in Ukraine includes secondary and higher education. The system of secondary education in Ukraine includes primary junior and senior secondary forms. Children usually start to go to school at the age of 6 or 7. Primary forms are 1—4 forms. Junior secondary forms are 5—9 forms. After the 9th form teenagers may enter technical schools or colleges of different types. After the 11—12 forms teenagers may enter higher educational institutions. Those who graduate from a technical school or a college may also study further at a higher educational institution.

The system of higher education includes universities, academies, institutes and conservatories. They usually offer a five-year course of study. Nowadays a new system of training is introduced: Bachelor of Arts — B. A. and Master of Arts — M. A. When students receive their diploma, they may study further. Post-graduate education and scientific research work are not very popular now among young people. But in some fields of science there are outstanding research papers and discoveries.

2.      Write new words in the dictionary and learn them.

secondary and higher education — средня та вища освіта

primary forms — молодші класи

junior secondary forms — сердні класи

senior secondary forms — старші класи

 to graduate from a technical school – закінчити технікум

a higher educational institution — высшее учебное заведение

post-graduate education — аспирантура

 scientific research work – науково- дослідницька робота

 Bachelor of Arts – бакалавр мистецтв

Master of Arts – магістр мистецтв

3.      Make 5 questions to the text.



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